Christian Ilchmann, M.Sc.



since 10/2015 Research and Teaching Associate
Chair of Monetary Economics and Public Financial Institutions
Otto-von-Guericke University Magdeburg
Desired degree: Doctor of Economic Sciences (Dr. rer. pol.)
09/2015 Master of Science, TU Dresden
Master’s thesis: ECB Interest Rate Setting and House Price Dynamics
01/2015 Certificate Intellectual Property Rights, TU Dresden
10/2009 - 09/2015 Studies of Economics at TU Dresden


Working Experience

04/2015 - 09/2015 Student Assistant
Chair of Economics, especially Economic Policy and Economic Research
TU Dresden
04/2014 - 09/2015 Student Assistant
Chair of Economics, especially International Economic Relations
TU Dresden
05/2015 - 06/2015 Internship
Ifo Institute, Branch Dresden

12/2013 - 03/2014

Student Assistant
Chair of Economics, especially Monetary Economics
TU Dresden




Articles in Refereed Journals

  • Gischer, H./ Ilchmann, C./ Kesseler, B. (2019): "Fallstricke der Europäischen Integration: Banken- und Kapitalmarktunion aus deutscher Perspektive", Ordo Yearbook of Economic and Social Order 2018(69), 153-174.
  • Gischer, H./ Ilchmann, C. (2018): "Banking Sector Diversity and Socioeconomic Structure – Criteria for Matching Pairs", Quarterly Journal of Economic Research 87 (4/2018), 2019, 39-55.
  • Gischer, H./ Ilchmann, C./ Richter T. (2017): "'In Vielfalt vereint' und 'Subsidiarität' - Grundprinzipien der Europäischen Union aus der Perspektive der Bankenunion", List Forum für Wirtschafts- und Finanzpolitik, Vol. 43(3), 321-342.
  • Gischer, H./ Ilchmann, C. (2017): "CMU – a threat to the German banking sector?", Quarterly Journal of Economic Research 86 (1/2017), 2017, 81-94.

Articles in Non-Refereed Journals

  • Ilchmann, C./ Rösel, F./ Steinbrecher, J. (2015): "Steuerwettbewerb im Kleinen – Ein Blick auf den Fall Monheim", ifo Dresden berichtet 22 (04), 2015, 26-38.

Working Paper

  • Alert, M./ Gischer, H./ Ilchmann, C. (2020): "Analyzing Cost Structures in the Banking Industry – An Unconventional Approach", FEMM Working Paper No. 7/2020, OVGU Magdeburg.

Conference Contributions

  • Gischer, H./ Ilchmann, C. (2019): "Banking Sector Diversity and Socioeconomic Structure - Criteria for Matching Pairs", DIW Berlin, 25.06.2019, Berli
  • Ilchmann, C. (2019): "Banking Sector Diversity – A quantitative approach to identify structural design patterns within banking sectors", GOR AG FIFI, 31.01. - 01.02.2019, Lemgo.

Conference Reports

  • Alert, M./ Ilchmann, C. (2018): "Finanzielle Bildung – Investition in die Kundschaft von morgen", Wissenschaft für die Praxis, Heft 84, 2019, 25-28.
  • Ilchmann, C./ Richter, T. (2018): "Nullzinspolitik – Schicksal ohne Ausweg?", Wissenschaft für die Praxis, Heft 83, 2018.
  • Ilchmann, C./ Richter, T. (2016): "Proportionale Regulation – ein sinnvolles Ziel oder Irrlicht?", Wissenschaft für die Praxis, Heft 81, 2016. Download




  • Banking and capital market regulation

  • Structure of banking systems

  • Integration of financial and real economy

  • Analysis and implementation of monetary policy


"On Banking Systems and the Real Economy: Congruence and Interdependence in OECD Countries"

Whether the design of a country's financial sector has an impact on the efficiency of the real economy and thus a significant influence on real output is a question that has been widely discussed in the literature. While continental Europe has mainly bank-based financial systems, the Anglo-Saxon world is characterised by a strong capital market orientation. Only on the basis of this observation, however, is it not possible to draw any conclusions regarding the (real economic) success of the countries involved. The research project approaches the described topic from two directions: On the one hand, an empirical classification of different banking systems is carried out by means of cluster analysis. On the other hand, an empirical classification of different real economic systems is carried out. A subsequent synthesis relates both systems to each other. On the basis of selected criteria, statements on the interdependencies and congruence of banking systems and the real economy are to be made, which can result in an extended basis for decision-making, for example in the economic policy process.


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